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Event Cancelled Due to COVID-19

It's time for our 2020 Easter Egg Hunt and Resource Fair.  Especially Needed is excited to invite your organization to participate in our 10th Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Resource Fair for individuals with special needs and their families!


We are offering a unique opportunity because families can partake in the awesome Especially Needed festivities, and at the same time, learn about the wonderful things our community and local businesses have to offer. Last year, hundreds of families that have children with special needs attended our Spring Event! Vendors that have attended our resource fairs have been amazed at how they were able to reach more families in 3 hours than many of the other fairs they have attended. This year we are striving to host the largest special needs egg hunt in the country.  DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! The event will be held on April 4th, 2020 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at McKinney National Airport, 1500 Industrial Blvd #100, McKinney, TX 75069.



1) Register for a booth in the Resource Fair - $100! This is for businesses that offer a product or service that benefits individuals with special needs.  Go to to register as a booth vendor, deadline 4/2.  


2) Become an Especially Needed Annual Sponsor. Go to to become an event sponsor.  This includes options to register for a vendor booth, sponsor water or candy.  


3) Additional ways to support this Especially Needed event:

  • Host an Egg or Candy Drive at your business.  If your business would like to host a stuffed egg drive (candy or stickers inside), please feel free to use the attached flyer.  All stuffed eggs collected need to be counted and delivered to Nechole Whitlock, or she can coordinate a pick-up with your office, no later than Monday April 15th (contact information below).  

  • Share information about the event with others.  We’ve attached an Easter Egg Hunt Flyer for your review and distribution, so please feel free to share it with your customers, contacts, supporters or families or share it on your website.  Here is a family registration link: .

Thank you for your continual support.  We appreciate you, and so do our families.   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nechole Whitlock (972.567.8005 or or Heather Astuto (214.499.3439 or  We look forward to your participation and support!


With Celebration,

Especially Needed Team

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